[BC] The future of broadcasting...

Andy Linton alinton
Sat Sep 2 06:21:30 CDT 2006

There's another one too, called Last FM (it being, apparently, the 
Last FM station you'll ever need!).


This is an idea I thought of about 5 years ago, told loads of people 
in the business. Didn't patent it (if I even could have). My unique 
take was that the stream would be delivered to a mobile device (which 
could also be a phone and PDA).

The tracks would automatically save to the device - except the ones 
you told it you didn't like - so that as time went on and the 
learning curve smoothed out, the actual amount of bandwidth your 
stream used would decrease. Then your device would be playing its 
list largely from its own storage, with the server occasionally 
'suggesting' new tracks, and inserting news (if you selected it) and 
commercials (if you didn't pay to not have them).

I expect the royalties and license fees to come flooding in!


 >>>  At 04:46 02/09/2006, quoth nakayle at gmail.com:
>There is already a website called http://pandora.com that lets you listen to
>music tailored just to your personal taste

       Andy Linton
   Waterford, Ireland

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