[BC] Call for old TV Engineers

stanleybadams stanleybadams
Mon Jul 31 07:03:46 CDT 2006

I am looking for a 'the few but proud' TV engineers that have roots into the
1950's and I know that they are beginning to fade away.  So please help
where you can.

I am looking for someone who has some manuals or information that they would
be willing to share for a while, so that we might be able to add to the Old
Radio TV technology web page.  Alan Kline was kind enough to lend me his 50
KW GE amp book for scanning and this prompted me to think about anyone who
might have some earlier TV material.  I have some old TV training manuals
from the 1950's by RCA, but I am also looking for a GE TT-3,4,5,6
transmitter manual or pictures or both.

Surely, we have some out there with this type of knowledge and material.

Thank you 

Stan Adams 

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