[BC] Scope for Mod Monitor...

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo
Sat Jul 29 14:26:54 CDT 2006

okay as an amateur, my train of thought went....sq. root of two joke nah, 
then somethingRMS nah, then something about a station on 1140 khz that must 
be LOUD but that's as far as i've made it.

rob atkinson

From: "Mark Humphrey" <mark3xy at gmail.com>
Reply-To: Broadcasters' Mailing List <broadcast at radiolists.net>
To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Subject: Re: [BC] Scope for Mod Monitor...
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 11:33:48 -0400

On 7/29/06, Cowboy <curt at spam-o-matic.net> wrote:
>  Yes, we used to do it that way with absolute accuracy and precision, but
>  ever since that whole ModMinder rules change thing, where a peak isn't
>  a peak unless it exceeds some duration, and still isn't a peak unless
>  there are so many of them in a minute, even though the scope will
>  clearly show the absolute deviation which used to be the mod limit......

The ModMinder typically "forgives" around 1.14 million peaks per
minute.  Most of you will understand the significance of this number
-- but if you don't, take a guess!


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