[BC] Scope for Mod Monitor...

Bill Croghan loteng
Wed Jul 19 15:56:20 CDT 2006

>So you have to START with a Spectrum Analyzer, or a calibrated
>That's nice, if you have them.
	You could try it with a pair of channel locks and a leatherman tool,
but if you want accurate measurements, you need proper tools.  Since this is
something you don't have to do very often, a spectrum analyzer could be
borrowed, rented or the local 2 way shop pressed into service with their
comm. Service monitor for a brief visit.  Once the scope/receiver
combination were calibrated, there would be little likely hood of much
change over time.  If you don't have a spectrum analyzer, maybe you could
get the guys that do your NRSC measurements to spend a little time with you
next time around.
	IF you still can't handle that, a second choice would be to compare
your mod monitor with a known good one from another station.
	I thought we were talking about getting accurate readings.  I'm a
world class expert at scrounging and making do, but if I want accuracy I do
it right.


Bill Croghan CPBE WB?KSW
Chief Engineer, 
Lotus Broadcasting
Las Vegas, NV
Email to loteng (at) lvradio.com
Phone 702-315-3030
Fax      702-876-6685

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