WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Mon Jul 10 22:02:30 CDT 2006

It's not quite 100% B'cast-related, but it's something I just had to share 
with my fellow "propeller-heads".
8<:) ENJOY!

This is from a camera that is mounted to one of the SRB's on the shuttle... 

The seperation, itself, is truly spectacular! Here's a shorter video clip of 
just that one segment:

That's worth saving on the ol' HD.


The following is copied from SLASHDOT.ORG:

There's a LOT of neat stuff in there. For example:

1:30-1:40 Mach transition (breaking the sound barrier - watch the nose)
2:39 a rather visible bit of debris flies right past the camera
2:58 separation from the orbiter/tank stack
3:59 as the booster tumbles, you can briefly spot the shuttle as a bright dot
5:18 you can see the smoke plume thru the upper atmosphere
7:13 some debris goes past the booster camera
7:17 you can see a shroud (parachute) line falling
7:25 you can very briefly see a chute
7:30 water entry
7:40 the chute falls into the water
8:00 as the booster floats, the chutes and shroud lines are clearly visible 
around the booster

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