[BC] nationwide study illustrates terrestrial radio*s strengths

Sid Schweiger sid
Sat Jul 8 08:18:18 CDT 2006

>>San Diego, June 7, 2006: Contrary to the myth that radio listeners are
a uniformly disgruntled bunch, 74% of all terrestrial radio listeners
are satisfied with what they hear on the radio, according to a new
nationwide survey from audio strategy firm hear2.0

A nearly perfect example of junk statistics and self-fulfilling
prophecies.  Note that they didn't ask people who DON'T listen to radio
why they don't, or what radio could do to possibly get them back.

>>Dashing the myth that listeners are turning away from the radio in

11 million-plus satellite radio users aren't exactly a myth.  Not droves
either, but not exactly insignificant.

>>Radio listeners across a multitude of formats report very high
satisfaction with radio.<<

As today's kids would say, "Duh!"

Sid Schweiger
IT Manager, Entercom Boston LLC
20 Guest St / 3d Floor
Boston MA  02135-2040
Phone: 617-779-5369
Fax: 617-779-5379
E-Mail: sid at wrko.com

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