Re: [BC] nationwide study illustrates terrestrial radio’s strengths

Mark Humphrey mark3xy
Fri Jul 7 20:59:47 CDT 2006

On 7/7/06, WFIFeng at <WFIFeng at> wrote:
> San Diego, June 7, 2006: Contrary to the myth that radio listeners are a
> uniformly disgruntled bunch, 74% of all terrestrial radio listeners are
> satisfied with what they hear on the radio, according to a new
> nationwide survey from audio strategy firm hear2.0 (

Interesting, but if I'm reading it correctly, it appears the sample
base consisted only of terrestrial radio listeners (it's not clear how
many minutes of "listening" per week was required to qualify as a
"listener") so we can probably assume that a significant number of
_very_ dissatisfied people stopped listening to radio -- and for that
reason, they were excluded from the study.

Therefore, less than 74% of the general population is satisfied.

> And who is least satisfied with radio? "Only" 71% of Hard Rock and Jazz
> fans were satisfied, while Classical fans bring up the rear at 68%
> satisfaction.   Said Alan, "With only one format falling below 70% satisfaction and
> despite ongoing challenges from new media the American public still
> loves their terrestrial radio.

Are Classical fans actually upset with presentation of their favorite
format, or the fact that its increasingly difficult to find classical
music on the radio?   I would expect it's the latter, but the survey
implies that Classical fans are hard-to-satisfy snobs (so maybe that's
a good excuse to dump the format -- or move it to a rimshotter.)

I'm not trying to emphasize the negative -- but this report seems
slanted, not objective.  And if 1 out of 4 listeners aren't happy, we
shouldn't conclude "the American public still loves terrestrial radio"
-- but rather, we should figure out what's wrong and fix it.


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