[BC] True Radio Confessions

Paul B. Walker, Jr. walkerbroadcasting
Thu Jul 6 16:09:52 CDT 2006

I once caused 4 1/2 hours of dead air because I fell asleep during a 
Sunday morning airshift, after being up all night, not knowing I'd 
have to fill-in.

I once uttered several 4, 5 and 6 letter words at about 2:00AM in the 
morning while recording the weather. Only after that 30 minute 
mistake-fest and swear party did I realize I had just blabbed all 
over CNN Headline Newds for the last half hour...

On 7/6/06, Chuck Lakaytis <<mailto:chuck at akpb.org>chuck at akpb.org> wrote:
I wasn't there but..........

The public radio system in Alaska grew sort of like Topsy.  The stations are
each held by community or school licenses and were essentially independent
entities.  Anyway...on with the story.

The FCC showed up at KBRW-AM, Barrow Alaska sometime in the early seventies.
That was when they still had a travel budget.

After a day long inspection the inspectors presented the station with
something like 175 citations, which to this day is a record. The inspectors
were not amused.

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