[BC] a new whatzit

Chuck Leavens chuck
Thu Jul 6 13:38:52 CDT 2006

>>I received an answer from the Chief Engineer of WACE at the time. 
>>The console we used was the WE 25B "Speech Input System". The 
>>console itself was called a 40A, but the whole system with its desk 
>>and power supply was called the 25B. We also used the RCA 
>>turntables that could have powered merry-go-rounds they were so 
>         http://www.oldradio.com/archives/hardware/WE25B.jpg

I think that pic might have come from me. When I find the catalog 
I'll get the color version for you. I used a 25B and it is obviously 
is not one BUT some of the side panel ancillary gear look just like 
the WE stuff.

Might take me a bit to find as I am swamped here but I'll find it.


Chuck Leavens 
Director of Engineering and IT Management
WDUQ-FM  Duquesne University  Pittsburgh PA 15282
412-396-5508 Direct
chuck at wduq.org

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