[BC] Re: GE Superadio III

Kevin Tekel amstereoexp
Thu Jul 6 01:56:19 CDT 2006

Gary Peterson wrote:
> How does one tell the difference between the various permutations of the
> GE Superadio?  I have one and there's no indication of which flavor it
> is, marked on the outside.  How do I differentiate between a Superadio
> II and a III?

Here's the original Superadio (often incorrectly called the "Superadio I",
but the tag on it just says "SUPERADIO"); note the single speaker:


And here's the Superadio II... note the tweeter, and if you could see it
more closely, the tag says "SUPERADIO II":


And finally here's the Superadio III... note the drasticly updated styling
and larger size.  Looking more closely, it also has an AM bandwidth switch
and the AM dial goes up to 1700 kHz, versus only 1600 kHz on the older


Also, do not confuse these real General Electric Superadios with their
Radio Shack imitations.  Here's a web page which explains the difference
between Radio Shack's "Superadio clones" and the real Superadio III:


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