[BC] Quality Audio

Douglas B. Pritchett wbzq1300
Mon Jul 3 09:09:16 CDT 2006

It's all in the ear of the beholder........and the guy writin' the 

Douglas B. Pritchett
Fort Wayne, IN
WBZQ1300 at verizon.net

Dana Puopolo wrote:

>My friend had his portable CD player hooked up to a 10 watt Archer PA
>amplifier he kept in his van, He had ONE Maggie hooked up to the PA amp.
>He was running the CD player in mono to entertain him while he pulled speaker
>cable through the walls.
>The highbrow owner walked into the room and exclaimed: WOW! Listen to that
>GREAT imaging!
>My friend  advised the guy that the imaging would be getting even better once
>he was done (no he tactfully didn't mention hooking up the other speaker that
>was sitting there silent).
>THAT'S highbrow!!

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