[BC] Daytimer's woes

WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Sat Jul 1 20:07:17 CDT 2006

In a message dated 06/30/2006 2:57:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
SBailey at nespower.com writes:

 > I keep seeing daytimers going dark anyway, especially in Alabama &
 >  Mississippi. In my case, the property is worth more than the license
 >  itself. But I refuse to turn it off at this time.

I wonder... could you sell the land at a tidy profit, then buy a 
*better* facility?

As for refusing to turn it off, I don't blame you. I've been working for the
same station (WFIF) for 19 years, now. It's a Daytimer, with 0 night power.
We're deeply concerned about the recent fudging with DST, because of 
the loss of
that hour in morning drive. Even if the FCC allowed us to sign-on at full
power, WTWP's signal would easily clobber us that long before 
sunrise. (It still
clobbers us *after* sunrise on most winter mornings!)

One of the best ways to help daytimers, IMHO, would be to allow us to have FM
translators. In fact, give Daytimers *preference* for them to duplicate, say,
25% of their daytime coverage, or at *least* the COL. Not likely, though.


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