[BC] AudioVault / WinAmp

Kevin Tekel amstereoexp
Sat Jul 1 20:05:02 CDT 2006

> Ah-ha. Ok. My playlist is about 1400 songs, and I wanted something that
> would fire specific cuts (like SID) at the top-of-hour, based on the PC
> clock and "closest fit" kind of logic.

Try WinAmp Radio Scheduler:


It works great for me, but there are some limitations: it appears to have
some compatibility problems with WinAmp 5.x, so WinAmp 2.95 or earlier is
recommended.  Also, it doesn't work very well with the SQR Advanced
Crossfading plugin.  And you have to change your computer's clock to
24-hour format (so 4:15 PM would appear as 16:15) in order for it to work
correctly.  But if you keep these things in mind, it should work as
advertised, with no unexpected glitches.

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