[BC] Impedance changes - was lighting removal

Gary Peterson kzerocx
Sat Jul 1 09:39:32 CDT 2006

>  Well, I can say that some decades ago, a climber left a beacon
>  open.
>  1150, 220 foot stick, high power, but not the reference tower,
>  in a six tower array.
>  About a 6 degree shift in parameters, using loops, not toroids.
>  Guess who climbed up and closed it ?
>  All returned to normal.

" Hmmmm....  I know that RF climbs all over a person really well, but glass?
I'd have to guess it was the frame for the cover, not the glass, that did
weird stuff...
If there was indeed a cage over the thing.  If it was just glass, with maybe
a hold down clamp, i'd be stumped about the 'Why' par tof it.
Jason "

I would suspect that the AC wiring to the top socket in the beacon is

Gary, K?CX

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