[BC] Legal ID Question

Cowboy curt
Thu Aug 31 13:04:24 CDT 2006

On Thursday 31 August 2006 01:30 pm, Rich Wood wrote:
> ------ At 12:06 PM 8/31/2006, Jeff Allen wrote: -------
> >Programming that should not be interrupted might be a ball game or other
> >live broadcast that an ID would interrupt.  The FCC seemed to leave it up to
> >you to decide what would qualify as programming that should not be
> >interrupted.  We do IDs during ball games and such anyway.
> I doubt a ball game would qualify. They interrupt for spots, promos 
> and scores of other games regularly. A two word ID wouldn't destroy 
> the integrity of the game
> >I swear I saw the same rule about doing the ID within two minutes of the top
> >of the hour.  It's been the standard rule at all the stations I've worked
> >and still is at the group I'm with now.
> Some stations still abide by the NAB code. Others ignore even the 
> law. I know there was a rule with a window for the ID. I think it was 
> changed to something like "an appropriate break in programming." As I 
> said, a music Pop music segment doesn't qualify as uninterruptable.

 The rule has been changed over the years.
 There was a time when it was required within X time of the top and bottom
 of the hour, and live games, announcers, whatever would be interrupted by
 a quick "WXYZ, City" and let it go.
 Very often, ESPECIALLY games, one would here something like...
 "And his bating aver/WXYZ Cleveland/ause for station identification"
 when an announcer was late.

 Let's remember WHY there's a legal ID requirement at all !
 It's got nothing to do with regular listeners, or regular programming !!
 It's all about a transient ( be it an FCC monitor, or me ) being able to identify
 the source of a signal at a known time, in order to resolve technical problems,
 like the source of harmful interference.
 That's all. It has no other purpose whatever. ( and never did )
 It exists to answer the question where is that signal coming from. Period.


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