[BC] Re: FCC must ward off FEMA

Ron Cole rondcole
Wed Aug 30 23:27:55 CDT 2006

I would also say that being off the air creates an extremely high level of
anxiety in Station Managment as well and disrupts an otherwise normal cash
flow.  But I might be wrong...


On 8/30/06, Mike McCarthy <Towers at mre.com> wrote:
> It's those areas which we would least expect it, rural areas.  But in
> relative terms of reactive resources needed, a much larger drain on the
> local environment is required than a larger metro area which has a much
> higher level/capacity to respond to intrusions or other
> actions.  Remote/rural areas often will require more resources in a mass
> response than a similar action a urban area. In a large medical event,
> hospitals/acute medical care is MUCH father away, thus requiring many more
> ambulances and longer trips to critical care facilities. In that fashion,
> it's the classic distract with a number of small incidents, then hit the
> intended target when the otherwise dormant near-by resources are diverted.
> FEMA is accurate when they state emergency preparation is for
> everyone.  It
> includes necessary protection of infrastructure for prominent and/or
> functionally important businesses so they can continue to provide services
> during unusual occurrences and conditions.  Radio stations are just
> that...a prominent business providing a service.  Being off the air
> creates
> an extremely high level of anxiety in the impacted area because the
> population simply takes for granted that radio stations will be there. If
> the local stationS are down, the population looses a stabilizing staple of
> their daily life and disrupts an otherwise normal life flow.
> Been there...when the public notices you are down for a longer than normal
> period of equipment failure and repair, it's a VERY uneasy feeling.  Being
> on the air calms the nerves...even if it's simply music on the air.  The
> locals at least know someone else is around...
> MM

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