[BC] Scary listeners

WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Wed Aug 30 15:03:25 CDT 2006

In a message dated 08/30/2006 11:50:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
markc at kjly.com writes:

> to be, but when I have worked at Country music stations I just don't 
>  remember that happening as much as I have in Christian radio. It seems 
>  we also get a lot of angry calls from people over hot-button issues that 
>  their pastors or favorite TV preacher have programmed into them and 
>  on our station presents the "wrong" way. The excoriate us (in the love of 
>  Jesus, of course) for missing something that is perfectly obvious to them 
>  (though it's often hogwash when evaluated from an orthodox viewpoint).

In my 19 years at WFIF, we haven't had any quite like that. We're in a very 
nice "bedroom" community, so local crime is all but non-existant. (Thankfully!)

It's usually total crackpots who write undecipherable gibberish on paper, 
claiming "The Lord told them to write this". One in particular used to write us a 
few times a year. He called himself "House of David". Totally whacked.

Sometimes we'll get a wierd voice mail message about something we can't quite 
figure out.

About 17 years ago, we had an anonymous Priest who used to call to object to 
the content on a specific program. We dubbed him "Father X."

The worst of them all, however, was the very insistant pirate who would go on 
the air after we'd sign-off, and say all kinds of demeaning things. (Outright 
slanderous, in many cases.) Once we took him to court and he saw (and heard) 
the voluminous evidence we had against him (a stack of not less than 50 
cassettes) he stopped using his own voice, and would, instead, play the same clip of 
Howard, every time he went on the air. We put up with him for over 4 years, 
and bought our attorney a new house in the process of getting that guy stopped. 
He lived less than 1/2 a mile from the station. On the two occasions there 
was an FCC Agent in the area, he didn't operate. (He was rather sporadic. It 
could be days or even weeks between his on-air tirades.) So there was no relief 
from the FCC in that case.

Then there were the suspicious fires... but only two times.

Two years ago, Janet Parshall (a daily talk program we carry) was talking 
about Jesse Jackson. We got a polite, but angry voice mail... and a badly 
vandalized satellite dish. I don't think the voice mail was directly related to the 
vandalism, but it did give us a clue as to the possible motive for the perps.

Radio: It's not just a job, it's an adventure.


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