[BC] Scary listeners

Allen Sherrill warp99
Tue Aug 29 23:00:55 CDT 2006

>From: "Chuck Lakaytis" <chuck at akpb.org>

>Several years ago we had bullet through a strobe light.  The rigger took a
>piece of rebar, put it in the through and through hole, sighted along it 
>was able to point out to the police exactly which window was the origin of
>the shot.
>The young shooters parents where not amused to receive the multi-thousand
>dollar bill.

Our owner likes to tell a similar story about people shooting at one of his 
towers.  In his version, the tower guy sighted down the hole in the 
transmission line and could see the front porch of the shooter's house.  
Then the owner paid a visit to the shooter, complaining about people 
shooting at his tower and offering to pay the good ole boy 20 bucks a month 
to "keep an eye on things".  As his story goes, that was the end of 
vandalism at that site.

Allen Sherrill

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