[BC] AMAX redux? (was: Transmitting and receiving antennas)

Kevin Tekel amstereoexp
Mon Aug 28 21:40:23 CDT 2006

Tom Osenkowsky wrote:
> We cannot ignore details in receiving antennas. TV manufacturers took
> away the vertical and horizontal hold controls from us. We cannot and
> must not let TV and FM reception antenna manufacturers compromise
> on quality or specifications. We MUST take a stand now! I urge the
> industry to petition Congress to enact legislation specifying the
> minimum specifications for IBOC receiver antennas.

I have a Denon tuner with the NAB logo on it which proves that that
approach doesn't work.  If IBOC receivers are required to meet some lofty
performance standards, then the electronics manufacturers simply won't
make them at all!  Consumers have always determined the minimum
performance standards of a particular technology.  That's why we have $29
DVD players on the same shelf as ones that sell for $299.

Blame it on "Mad Man" Muntz, who proved that if given a choice between low
cost or high performance, a heck of a lot of people will choose low cost.

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