[BC] Legal ID Question

Thomas G. Osenkowsky tosenkowsky
Sun Aug 27 11:20:39 CDT 2006

> Classical music, and other programming WITHOUT a natural break was the
> the rules were written with a loophole for stations to use when demanded
> the programming even in the days when ID's were required at no more than
> minute intervals.

I attended a seminar where an AI told the story of he citing a
station for doing the Legal ID at :20 or so past the hour. He
received a letter from the station's programming consultant
explaining that an Image Liner ran near :00 followed by a
Hot/Uptempo song then followed by spoken image over
another song and so on. According to the consultant, this
constituted an event which could not be interrupted by a
Legal ID.

The AI's response was that the Legal ID runs at the TOH
or the station fails the inspection. Guess who prevailed?

Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

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