[BC] The Road Show back out west

Larry Bloomfield Larry
Sat Aug 26 20:27:46 CDT 2006

Hi all:


Week eighteen starts out with a 1250 (one thousand two hundred fifty) mile drive as we end up the month of August in Bozeman, MT, Pullman, and Spokane, WA. Trust me, we're looking forward to the Labor Day weekend.


Since we started back in May, we've had a total of 1241 in attendance at 45, venues. This is an average of 12.57 in attendance at each venue. We're now about 86% of the way through the Road Show venues and we've received over 105 E-mail comments about our efforts and the comments continue to come in. If you'd like to see them, visit: http://www.tech-notes.tv/2006/2006%20comments.pdf. For other details, check out our website: www.Tech-Notes.TV. 


You're all invited to join us this next week as we continue our Taste of NAB 2006 Road Show - SBE member, other organizations or not; who knows, you just might learn something and go home with a door prize and a belly filled with some fine vittles.


On Monday, August 28th we'll be at Montana State University in Bozeman for the fourth year with a noon meeting hosted by SBE Chapter 138. For those details, please visit: http://www.tech-notes.tv/2006/46-Bozeman.htm. Come join us for vittles, information and door prizes.


Wednesday, August 30th takes us to Pullman, WA where SBE Chapter 117 will host our presentation at a noon meeting. This will be our fifth year sharing technology with these fine folks. For details, please visit: http://www.tech-notes.tv/2006/47-Pullman.htm. There will be education, food and door prizes from our business card drawing.


We'll wind up the month of August as our Red Van (hopefully) takes us to Spokane and a noon meeting the very next day, Thursday, August 31st. This will also be our fifth year presenting our technology to Spokane's SBE Chapter 21. For details, please visit: http://www.tech-notes.tv/2006/48-Spokane.htm.


The real treat in all this is the new - cutting edge technology we bring with us. Perhaps, if you're not in one of these areas, we'll be in your area soon - as long as it is out west.


Here's the boilerplate: You do not have to be a member of the SBE or any thing else to attend these events. Anyone with an interest in the latest technology with out the sales pitch is welcome. For the latest in where we'll be and/or where we've been with pictures and a list of who won what door prize, please visit our website as it is the most current and reliable source of information on the Road Show and what is happening: WWW.Tech-Notes.TV 


Larry Bloomfield - KA6UTC
(541) 902-2424 (My Everything Phone #)
See you on the Tech-Notes Taste of NAB 2006 Road Show

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