[BC] What happened to fun radio?

Cowboy curt
Sat Aug 26 06:28:00 CDT 2006

On Friday 25 August 2006 10:45 pm, Douglas B. Pritchett wrote:
> What happened to fun radio? It happened starting in the 80's.

 Some would say it happened when "live" studios, the station band,
 and such started to go. The late 40's maybe ?
 Some would say two years ago.

> 1. Owners who were not broadcasters
> 2. Wall Street, who saw no difference between a radio station and a 
> manufacturing plant.

 Worst case I've ever heard about, though I forget the specifics, was
 a pizza shop owner who paid some ridiculous ( at the time ) amount
 for a radio station, with the only intent to traffic the property.
 No interest in broadcasting whatever. Pure money.

> 3. Programmers who never worked on the air. I once worked for a 
> progammer who was an MBA.........

 Seems rampant today, but it's still not everywhere.

> 4. When the significant part of the promotion's budget becamed dedicated 
> to liability insurance and lawyers.
> 5. Lawyers in general.

 We can say that about nearly all aspects of society today,
 so I don't see that as particularly unique.
 Of course, if activist judges didn't uphold massive class-action frivolous
 suits that benefit no one except the lawyers, this wouldn't have happened.

> 6. More reliable equipment. What fun is it to merely click and point? 
> Remember when you had to back up the left turntable 3 revolutions to get 
> a clean start, but the right TT only took 2? And who could forget 
> un-cued carts, etc?

 For me, it's never been about how.
 It's always been the result, and WHY we do it at all, so that doesn't
 really apply. ( for me )
 It really is the same thing, only different.

> Yeah, I know.......good ole days....... Trust me, they were. This ain't it.

 No, these are.
 It's still the magic !
 Oh, sure, it's different. There's no fun in supporting an unmanned juke box,
 but every now and then.....

 For all the whining ( some things never change ) it's still radio.
 If I'm just living in a dream world, DON'T wake me !!
 This dream has lasted more than 30 years, and it's still the best there is !!


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