[BC] Whilst warming the transmitter

Steve Schoon Steven.Schoon
Fri Aug 18 08:42:54 CDT 2006

A former boss of mine told me of his TV days of yore in the Des Moines 
market, where they had a camera pointing at an aquarium and played 
background music while warming up the transmitter.

Apparently, "Aquarium TV" ended up garnering quite a following!

> Also remember the ealy days of TV after running a test pattern for two  hours 
> to get the transmitter all warmed up, many time they would show a plain  
> clock with recorded music the last hour before air time.  Later on some ran  
> random slides with music.  I am amazed at the number of folks that watch  the 
> weather channel or Bloomberg  all day at their offices.  

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