[BC] Geesh!

Thomas G. Osenkowsky tosenkowsky
Mon Aug 14 20:46:04 CDT 2006

> Now, I know that there is no future to broadcast engineering!
> When we have to start determining which is the hot and which is the not so
> hot on an old cannon connector, we are all screwed.  Best to just go to
> Wal-Mart, buy the cheap consumer stuff and only worry about the big pin in
> the middle.  Then you might not have so much trouble worrying about phase.
> What a bunch of loonies.........................

It's all a matter of priorities. I don't even bother with connectors.
Just strip the cables, duct tape the wires together and you're all set.
People worrying about phase, ratio, polarity, hot chassis, pin 1
pin 2...I respect their priorities but do not share them.

We have Boy George forced to clean NYC streets. Can't take
makeup on airplanes. American Idol auditions are underway.
NFL preseason upon us. What's coming up on Desperate
Housewives, Grey's Anatomy and The Price Is Right? Why did
Britney Spears fire her pool man? Will Tori make peace with her
mom? What's behind Kate Holmes divorce? I guess I'm more

Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

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