[BC] The XLR pinout debate

JYRussell@academicplanet.com jyrussell
Sun Aug 13 21:32:20 CDT 2006

I dunno where I learned (or heard) it... but I always remember it as
Ground - Load - Return  ... I just "X" for 'ground'.  So the 'Load' leg (if
you could call it that....) would always be on #2,  I guess you'd call that
'HOT' - and even if you fouled up and put the X (in my lingo... ground) on
3... #2 would still be 'HOT'...

   I also think likewise when hooking up an XLR to TRS... (or SRT)

> Now, on to a bigger debate:  on an XLR connector, should pin 2 be
> wired "hot", or pin 3?  I say 2, but I know some stubborn guys out
> there that will go to their grave insisting it's 3....
> Mark

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