[BC] Iowa Pirate

Douglas B. Pritchett wbzq1300
Fri Aug 11 06:53:03 CDT 2006

I found the comments from the landlord rather telling. He had no clue. 
Would he had rented space to them if they told him they were 
pharmaceutical chemists, and then started a meth lab?
Here in Fort Wayne, to help combat the drug problem, there's a "drug 
den" law. Basically, if you rent to someone who deals drugs out of their 
apartment or sets up a lab, the landlord is liable for civil and 
criminal penalties. Maybe that could be done.....many of these guys rent 
space in tall buildings etc. But then, again, maybe it's not more 
laws.......just enforce the ones we have. Looks like the Commission hit 
a home run with these fools.

Douglas B. Pritchett
Fort Wayne, IN
WBZQ1300 at verizon.net

Alan Kline wrote:

>I read this order earlier today.  The guy's buddy also got nailed, for
>$17,000! I think it was $10,000 for unlicensed operation, and another
>7 kilobucks for refusing to allow inspection of the station.
>The other order is at:
>When will these kiddies ever learn? Perhaps when it goes from being
>a monetary penalty to incarceration?? Sorry, but playing "Power Hits"
>doesn't qualify as an emergency under the "War Powers Act"...

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