[BC] Eavesdropping...

Burt I. Weiner biwa
Thu Aug 10 09:06:22 CDT 2006

I did the exact same thing at about 13 or 14 years old only it was my 
dad's poker games.  One of his poker buddies was Mel Blanc.  You 
could tell what kind of a hand he had by whether you heard Bugs 
Bunny, Yosemite Sam or Daffy Duck and others.  My recorder was an old 
Pentron 9T3C.


At 10:00 PM 8/9/2006, you wrote:
>At about age 13 or 14, while still aspiring to make it big in radio, I was
>an avid tinkerer with all thing electrical and electronic.  I did many
>things that in one way or another irritated parents and other adults.  But
>the one I still hear about, even today, from my Mom and her friends (now
>well into their 80's) was the evening I bugged her bridge party.  The was
>very early 60's, and in the living room of our home was a quite nice (I
>still have it and it has a KILLER speaker system in it still) Hi-Fi set.
>High tech for it's day.  Anyway, I had run the external speaker terminals to
>my room so I could listen to whatever was playing in the living room in my
>room.  It didn't take me long to figure out that if I connected those same
>speaker wires thru and old speaker transformer from a parted-out
>"All-American 5" to the mic jack on my tape recorder I could hear (and
>record) anything going on in the living room when the Hi-Fi was off.  Well,
>I played back the first part of the giggling, cackling bridge party back
>into the living room while they were still there ....  they just didn't see
>the humor in it.  I thought it was funny.  I still think it was funny.  Mom
>Rockwell Smith

Burt I. Weiner Associates
Broadcast Technical Services
Glendale, California  U.S.A.
biwa at earthlink.net

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