[BC] Early TV Audio Boards

Miltron miltron
Fri Aug 4 05:23:31 CDT 2006

Collins and Fairchild made that light cell stuff, but AFAIK, GE didn't.......
-----Original Message-----
>From: "SHAFFER, RANDY L" <RandyShaffer at ClearChannel.com>
>Sent: Aug 4, 2006 4:09 AM
>To: broadcast at radiolists.net
>Subject: [BC] Early TV Audio Boards
>Dana replied -
>>If I recall correctly, GE made several TV audio boards as well...
>I have an old (8 ch I think) GE audio board that was in use in our Park City, Lancaster studio when I arrived in the early 80's.
>It was modified to give double the inputs through a side switch panel.
>I don't recall the model number, but it used a variable voltage on a lamp with a photo cell that in turn drove the 
>audio level for each pot. The pre amp transistors were all socket mounted and it was a real nuisance with dirty
>sockets causing noise and distortion....otherwise, since the pots drove voltage on the lamps, it eliminated the
>scratchy dirty pot noise. You did get levels that would jump when you would get to a bad section on a pot.
>I have it in storage right now, or I'd check the model number. The electronics took up half a rack and were
>fairly easy to work on. My ex-chief gave it to me when he moved. It is a unique if not quirky board.
>I've been out of circulation for a good deal of the summer so far. We are on the tail end (I hope) of a NexGen install.
>I just poped in to see what I've been missing. 

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