[BC] AP article re HDRadio

Sid Schweiger sid
Wed Aug 2 09:29:42 CDT 2006

>>Is the NAB having too many keggers to figure out how to make it pay 
or are they too busy trying to decapitate satellite radio so we won't 
have to compete with them?<<
I have to laugh...no other choice, really...every time I see the rah-rah folks trot out the old "radio will adapt, it always has" mantra, when a cursory opening of one's eyes would clearly demomstrate that radio (or at least the NAB) is currently in protectionist mode.  They don't want to adapt.  Their energies are spent trying to stifle their competition (and, BTW, wasting that energy on the wrong enemy:  11 million satellite subscribers doesn't hold a candle to the 30 million-plus users of personal MP3 players, and let's not even discuss the WWW), giving them a perfect incentive to stop trying to improve the product.  They're so hot on this new tech, which no one has receivers for, that they are completely blind to the economic joke they are playing on themselves...doubling the number of FM signals out there without any income to pay for them for at least two years.
Sid Schweiger
IT Manager, Entercom Boston LLC
20 Guest St / 3d Floor
Boston MA  02135-2040
Phone: 617-779-5369
Fax: 617-779-5379
E-Mail: sid at wrko.com

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