[BC] Transmitter visits at insecure sites

Mike McCarthy Towers
Tue Aug 1 19:58:15 CDT 2006

Around here, no police department provides an escort as a matter of 
policy...if they do it for radio people, then who else might make a claim 
for "their" profession.  OTOH, it's bene known to occur that if a site is 
desperately needed for some specific reason and the reason overwhelming and 
compelling, they'll bring them in.  But it's got to be a really good reason 
to deviate from policy like that.

Depending on the conditions present, such as severe weather...winter or 
summer, or a prevailing concern in a really rural area, I might call the 
sheriff and let them know we're working and we would appreciate a stop-by 
so the officers can acquaint themselves with the site and what we do.


At 04:02 PM 8/1/2006 -0700, Barry Mishkind wrote
>At 10:48 AM 8/1/2006, Glen Kippel wrote
>>They did, however, suggest that I call the dispatcher to let them know 
>>when I would be coming out again.
>         How many of you call the police on your
>         way to the transmitter?
>         How many police departments provide
>         an escort?
>Barry Mishkind     -       Tucson, AZ    -   520-296-3797

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