[BC] Schematics in products (WAS: WTIR..in Miami!)

Harold Hallikainen harold
Wed Oct 12 09:58:43 CDT 2005

>   I wonder if there's a living to be made in rewriting some of these
> manuals? On the other hand, maybe I should by a transmitter and send it
> to an enemy in the hopes he'll read the instructions! (Just kidding.)

In the 1970s, I got a Radio Shack catalog that advertised a transistor
radio battery with "higher lumen output," a TV antenna whose major
attribute was that it "looked good on top of any set," and a CB radio
whose major feature was "range boost" (maybe you were supposed to put it
under your kitchen stove). I wrote them a letter suggesting that the
catalog descriptions should clarify what it is being sold. I finished off
with a comment that I would consider an offer to write catalog copy for
them. They wrote back agreeing that some of the copy could get a bit
hokey. They said they did not have any openings at that time...


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