[BC] Another BAD website.......

PeterH5322@aol.com PeterH5322
Tue Oct 4 23:28:29 CDT 2005

>They are 6 towers full time

WMDN was 5 towers inline days and six towers in a 2 by 3 nights, from 
Toledo, using two separate sites, one north of Toledo and one south of 
Toledo. The night sight has been abandoned after several STAs.

This is a COL move, and also a change to a combined site with 5 towers 
inline days and nights.

This station was only feasible because the co-channel Class A in Buffalo, 
located 250 miles distant, and nearly due east, across almost the entire 
width of Lake Erie, operates DA-1.

If the Buffalo Class A was to have operated DA-N, there would likely be 
no possibility of day operation from Toledo, and night-only operation is 
not permitted if there is no day operation.

I believe this is the closest-spaced Class B to a co-channel Class A, 

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