[BC] The craziest radio person I've heard about

Larry Albert <larry.albert@murraystate.edu> reader
Sun Oct 2 03:28:02 CDT 2005

At 03:58 PM 10/1/05 -0600, you wrote:
>People have asked me if radio is as bizarre as WKRP. I would tell 
>them that real radio is more bizzare...which leads me to ask:
>"What's the craziest thing, or who's the craziest person you ever 
>experienced in radio?"

Most absurd that I remember.

Owner / GM / and all around Cheapskate was complaining to PD about 
the PD spreading rumors
that the station was going to be sold and then stated - "The Station 
is not being sold."

PD handed GM current issue of Radio and Records where he had 
hi-lighted the report of the already completed sale.

Fortunately I never worked for or with this GM.


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