[BC] Clear Channel disses itself - II

Clive Warner clive
Fri May 27 23:40:24 CDT 2005

> Where did this appear? Inside Radio? If so, it's an indicator that Clear
> Channel's supposed hegemony is not as complete as people in the mainstream
> media would have you believe.
> David

I hate crossposts, but in this case:
"The supposed pirate interruptions have come from
Radio Free Ohio, asking people to write stuff on a Message Board that
was at http://www.radiofreeohio.org about how they hate Clear Channel
radio stations."

"It's all part of a plan to relaunch a number of the stations with a new
format on Tuesday.  The website, which has now gone after web anoraks
sussed it was Clear Channel themselves talking, had things like this
written on it."


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