[BC] could someone explain this to me?

Donna Halper dlh
Fri May 27 17:39:00 CDT 2005

Ron wrote:
>Accusing the right of bigotry is the left's stock-in-trade.  I listen to 
>Savage often and have never heard anything that's even close to bigotry, 
>unless you consider asking the government to enforce the laws on the books 
>and stop illegals from entering the country to be 'bigotry'.  Bigotry is 
>the Democrats calling Condoleezza Rice "Aunt Jemima" and Clarence Thomas 
>"Uncle Tom".

Umm, I've been monitoring Michael, Rush and also several left wing hosts 
for some research I am doing towards my PhD and I absolutely heard Mr 
savage call Ruth Bader Ginsburg and one other justice (I think Kennedy?) 
Communists.  I also have heard him throw around an entire assortment of 
slurs on various races and ethnic groups, as well as the usual insults 
towards liberals and feminists.  And then there are the right-wing hosts 
like Glenn Beck who fantasized on air about killing Michael Moore, and Ann 
Coulter who said we should invade Muslim countries, kill their leaders, and 
forcibly convert them to Christianity.  It's facile to accuse the left 
without telling the truth about what the right is doing:  the reality is 
that there is excess on BOTH sides, and each accuses the other, when if you 
listen carefully, you see that each side is basically preaching to its own 
core listeners.  But there is a bigger problem:  in the old days, we used 
to be exposed to more of a variety of opinions, whether we wanted to be or 
not, because there were fewer channels and they all tried to appear 
balanced in their coverage.  These days, it's possible to only listen to 
shows that agree with your own views and to never hear another side of the 

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