[BC] Favored UPS units

Chuck Leavens chuck
Thu May 26 15:19:11 CDT 2005

BTW the everyday price for APC 1100's is $129.00 at Sams Club.

>APC. Buy them from Office Depot - they have sales where sometimes they're
>really cheap!
>I bought two APC "Home & Small Office Power Protection Kit"  there - which is
>a kit of a 750 VA UPC and a six plug surge supressed strip. They were 10
>dollars each after rebate....
>These were real UPS es too..They even came with LAN and USB connectors (and a
>USB cable) and Power Shoe software.
>They work great....


Chuck Leavens
Director of Engineering and I.T.
WDUQ FM Duquesne University
Pittsburgh PA 412-396-5508

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