[BC] Lightning

Bruce Doerle bdoerle
Wed May 25 19:01:14 CDT 2005


>>> radiotech at bellsouth.net 05/25/05 7:16 PM >>>
>At least in my area when you go down about 2'- 3' you hit wet sand.
>The wet sand >requires far more energy to heat it up. Also it will
>have a far lower ground resistance.

We measured our ground system during installation certain points.  The point that was in the retention pond meaured the highest earth resistance that three points not in or by the pond.  Hmmmm

>Just keep in mind Polyphasor sells more product if lighting strikes.
>It would not be to their advantage to prove that the prevention
>systems may actually do that.
>PS: Polyphasor makes very good products and I do use them.

Alan, what Polyphasor was reporting was government reports.  If you want I will be glad to supply the sources of the reports so you can review them.  I don't sell anything, I am only interested in enlightning our collective interest as a group of broadcast engineers.  I recognized that many of us may have expertise in areas that helpful to others, but rely on a industry with sells snake oil items that based on testimonial statements without scientific basis.  It may be hard for you to recognize the limitations on devices that you may have recommended to your clients, but seriously take a look the facts.


Alan Alsobrook CSRE AMD CBNT
St. Augustine Fl. 32086 904-829-8885
aalso at Bellsouth.net

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