[BC] Inexpensive exciter

khcs@juno.com khcs
Sun May 22 17:56:03 CDT 2005

DANA commented:

>I had a QEI 675 at a class D college station start throwing spurs on the aircraft band! 


Hmmmm...I begin to detect a pattern here.  When we first went on the air over 12 years ago I got a call from a station manager who said we were interfering with his translator, that we had an intermod problem and we needed to shut down.  I told him to cool his jets while we worked on the problem.  My intermod program showed no logical combination of frequencies that would put us 1.2 MHz lower.  I thought the best thing to do was to find out if we were clean first, rustled up a guy with a spectrum analyzer, and sure enough, the output was dirty.  We tweaked the exciter tuning thingies and cleaned it right up.  Afer that it ran 24/7 with no problems for almost 10 years before we replaced it with a Bext.  I wonder how QEI sent it out that way?

Glen Kippel
Palm Desert, CA

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