[BC] My SBE Suggestions

John Vodenik jvodenik
Sun May 22 04:57:36 CDT 2005

I can attest to that.  After VOA / Bethany closed, I
became D.E. for a 9 
station group on the East coast.  In the 3 short months
I worked for them,
I put 50,000 (50K) miles on the company car, acting as
delivery person
between sites.  It was my decision to call it quits and
head on back home.
Then later, installed new toilets at the TV station I
was C.E. for in Dayton, OH.

I have been doing this for damn near 38 years now, and
wouldn't change for most
anything.  At least here in the U. S. of A. government
service, I don't have to
put up with this stuff anymore.  I just wish we were 25
years more advanced in
technology.  Our newest stuff is HF Optimods, and they
are about 15 years or so,
old now.

> Many broadcast engineers on this list have been asked or told by their
> management to perform tasks that commensurate with those of janitors and
> delivery boys.  Would an IT "professional" at a typical corporation be
> asked the same?  In my experience, no.  Why are we sometimes perceived
> as "jacks of all trades"?
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Why, because WE do these things, cut the grass, be
delivery boy, fix the GM's
broken TV or stereo, etc., all to keep a job in a
business we have grown to love.
Sometimes, they push a little too hard, and then we
move on.  Can't say I have
ever had a broadcast job I didn't like, but some were
heads and shoulders above
the rest.  Guess I'll be in this business until they
take me out feet first on
a stretcher, to the bone yard.

Rather be a silent key than a dead mic.  

73 from here,
John  WB9AUJ @ VOA / Delano

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