[BC] State Licensing

PeterH5322@aol.com PeterH5322
Sat May 21 17:17:35 CDT 2005

>Not only would there be 50 different sets of rules, but you might need to go 
>through certification every time you wanted to do work in a different state 
>if the states don't have reciprocal agreements.  It's that way now in some 
>jurisdictions for PE's.  When we put up a tower in Sonoma County, we need a 
>California-certified PE analysis.  No other states PE's are accepted.

Easy to understand as the jurisdiction responsible for public safety is a 
state one, not a federal one.

As California's requirements for licensure ... of most professionals, not 
just SEs ... tends to be stricter than most other states, it is not 
surprising that a Nevada SE license wouldn't be acceptable in California. 
(In California, an SE is usually a CE/SE ... licensed firstly as a CE, 
and secondly as an SE, after an additional internship under an SE).

However, for federally administered situations, say, an application for a 
broadcast license, a PE from any state is acceptable.

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