PLEASE CHANGE THREAD... This has nothing to do with the White House [BC] White House Just Evacuated

JD Davis jdavis
Fri May 20 12:44:09 CDT 2005

Can we change the subject line here?

Lotus Broadcasting
James "JD" Davis
IT Manager
jdavis at
-----Original Message-----
From: broadcast-bounces at
[mailto:broadcast-bounces at] On Behalf Of Phil Alexander
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 7:55 AM
To: Broadcast Radio Mailing List
Subject: Re: [BC] White House Just Evacuated

On 19 May 2005 at 18:15, Thomas G. Osenkowsky wrote:

> >from BDL appch. for 6 or 7 years back in the late '80's and early 90's
> >it never seemed to work out quite that easily, and some, not all, of the 
> >BDL appch. controllers tried to pretend they were as busy as BOS and NY
> >center. Several times when it was CAVU I'd file VFR and request flight
> >following only to be told "Unable at this time" supposedly due to 
> >workload.
> The BDL Class C *IS* busy! The radio goes nonstop. I wouldn't want
> to ask for a repeat. We once did get flight following because the
> instructor identified himself as such with a (then) student pilot. But the
> traffic advisories were constant and the replies were one or two words,
> That's it. NY Approach is less busy and more accommodating.

Perhaps BDL traffic has increased in the past 10 years, but when I knew 
it, it was not THAT busy compared with BOS and NY centers where you 
sometimes had to wait literally five minutes or more with your finger 
on the button just to report in after a frequency change moving across 
sectors. I do agree with you about NY approach being much easier, but
NY center was even tougher than BOS because they don't have low traffic
sectors, and in those days, if you filed IFR at 8, 9 or 10, there was
always a chance the next assigned frequency would be center rather than
approach. My take was the centers WERE busy and BDL approach wanted to
PRETEND they were. Ten years later, things may have changed, but I expect
quite a few BDL approach controllers would move up to BOS ARTCC if given
the chance. <g>

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