[BC] White House Just Evacuated

Thomas G. Osenkowsky tosenkowsky
Thu May 19 17:34:29 CDT 2005

>I know that's the theory Tom, but flying out of BAF, getting clearances 
>from BDL appch. for 6 or 7 years back in the late '80's and early 90's
>it never seemed to work out quite that easily, and some, not all, of the 
>BDL appch. controllers tried to pretend they were as busy as BOS and NY
>center. Several times when it was CAVU I'd file VFR and request flight
>following only to be told "Unable at this time" supposedly due to 

The BDL Class C *IS* busy! The radio goes nonstop. I wouldn't want
to ask for a repeat. We once did get flight following because the
instructor identified himself as such with a (then) student pilot. But the
traffic advisories were constant and the replies were one or two words,
That's it. NY Approach is less busy and more accommodating.

Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

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