[BC] SBE Focus

Clay Freinwald cfreinwald
Thu May 19 12:38:04 CDT 2005

I'd like to make a couple of points here on the focus of SBE.
1. From my perspective,   SBE is very much like most organizations in
that their direction is determined, mainly,  by those that are elected
to office.  This is the case with SBE at the Local and National Levels.
2. Our society encourages debate and broadcasting other points of views
(Think Remailers and Talk Radio) This is a healthy exercise of our
3. SBE is a democratically operated organization that certain responds
to recommendations for changes of direction....especially when that
change is either clearly required or requested by a large segment of its
4. Like a lot of organizations that have achieved a large degree of
success and visibility....They become critical comment magnets and
occasionally attract rocks, bricks and vegatable matter.
5.  SBE's Offices and 50% of of its Board of Directors is elected
annually.   This provides a direct means for those that feel the
direction is not correct to change that direction.
6. This mechanism provides the membership with several  means to
re-direct the ship - 
A. By making sure that the candidate they are voting for more closely
represents their way of thinking.   This requires going beyond reading
their 'why you should vote for me' info that comes with the ballot and
actually contacting these folks and having a dialog.
B. By working with a current officer or member of the Board of
C. (The most effective)  By running for office yourself.
With all that being said, can SBE be improved?   The answer is
certainly - anything- can be made better.   I encourage/urge everyone to
get involved with SBE at the local/chapter level - AND - at the national
level and do your part.   SBE is OUR broadcast engineering society...and
with your active participation it can only get better.
My $.02 worth -
Clay Freinwald
SBE Member #714 (Feb 2, 1968)
Member of the Board, Chapter 16
Member of the National Board of Directors


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