[BC] AM skywave

Tue May 17 05:26:00 CDT 2005

Scott Cason wrote -

>I once had a girl I was seeing tell me, upon getting
>in the car and I had WLW on the radio, that she didn't ever want to hear
>that again.  The static got on her nerves (we were 25 miles from the Mason
>transmitter site, she lived in northern Kentucky).

>Regardless of how you feel about him, or your political ideas, if it hadn't
>of been for Limbaugh, a majority of the AM radio stations would be off the

My wife is only slightly younger than me, but grew up listening to FM. Can't stand AM, when we are on vacation and I'm trying to DX on AM while driving, we at some point get into an argument over it. I'm trying to find something to keep me awake, while she says it gives her a headache.

However, one day a few years ago, I was driving her car and left the radio on the local AM talk station. When she went to work she turned on the radio and found financial talker Dave Ramsey. She got hooked. That is the first time she started listening to AM on a regular basis. She even started listening to Rush at times. All of a sudden she could tolerate AM because she was interested in the content. 

Randy Shaffer
Harrisburg, PA 17110

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