[BC] New old antenna sighting ?

Kevin Tekel amstereoexp
Mon May 16 20:56:57 CDT 2005

Al Gearing wrote:
> does indicate an interesting configuration - the towers are near the
> center of the photo just to the SE or the main road which cuts
> diagonally across the photo from lower left to upper center.

According to my county map, this is located within a county park called
Davidson's Mill Pond Park.  The towers are right on the bank of Oakley's
Brook, as you can see in the aerial photo.

Just across the road is the Middlesex County Adult Correctional Center,
also euphemistically known as the "County Workhouse", but I don't know if
that has any correlation to these nearby radio towers.

A few miles to the north once stood the original WJZ (today's 770 WABC)
"Bound Brook" transmitter site in Middlesex Borough, which also housed
WNBC's commercial shortwave station which was taken over by the
government during WWII and became a Voice of America transmitting
facility with a massive 12-tower array, but that is all long gone,
replaced by various housing developments (although the towers are still
shown on topo maps).

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