[BC] hypothesis

Clive Warner clive
Sun May 15 17:45:13 CDT 2005

>Again... what happened? How were all those little stations keeping such
>staffs paid and happy, and now, they're all dark & empty with nothing but a
>PC &
>sat dish most of the time?

Allow me to suggest a hypothesis:

Before the arrival of the mass-produced automobile, America consisted of
many towns spaced apart by about 20 miles. Each town had a 'complete'
infrastructure, manufacturing a bit of everything, had a department store,
and so on. The reason for all of this was that a horse and buggy was at its
limit for a day's shopping trip over that distance. It was the dominating
factor for society of those days.

Does American urban infrastructure look anything like this today? No. The
car changed everything.

I suggest, then, that the arrival of satellite radio and the Internet is the
equivalent, in radio terms, of the car.

If this is correct, how to deal with it is the problem. There are no jobs
for telegraph or telephone or computer operators any more . . .


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