[BC] Another view from above

Chuck Leavens chuck
Sun May 15 09:43:59 CDT 2005

>Chuck, can you post 'DUQ's site.  It's a freestanding tower in an urban
>setting overlooking downtown.  B94 or whatever it's called nowadays 
>has a similar
>tower built atop what used to be their studios, which have been moved to
>Infinity's FM studio cluster in the suburbs.
>Frank Gottlieb

Our 400ft Blaw Knox does not show up as more than a spek in the sat 
photos. Same with the WQED candelabra. KDKA's TV tower appears to be 
non existent and WPGH and WPXI's tower is a shadow as well as the 750 
footer on spring hill.


Chuck Leavens
Director of Engineering and I.T.
WDUQ FM Duquesne University
Pittsburgh PA 412-396-5508

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