[BC] More tower sites from above...

PeterH5322@aol.com PeterH5322
Fri May 13 19:36:24 CDT 2005

>>the KDKA tower looks a bit taller than I would expect for its frequency.
>>The tree line out to the bottom right from the tower base looks like 
>>it might be encroaching on the radial field.  zooming back I see 
>>houses not too far away here also.
>Take a look at the box in the middle of the tower. it's a Franklin.

A sectional, yes.

A Franklin, no.

The only true Franklin I am aware of is at KFBK ... two Franklin 
radiators, each 180 degrees over 180 degrees, in a DA-2 array.

(For clerical purposes, a Franklin is given a unique Sect code, and the 
height is specified as one of the two equal sections. It is assumed that 
the radiator is center fed and that the base is grounded through an 
impedance, a capacitor to be specific. If each height is not 180 degrees, 
than it is not classified as a Franklin).

KSTP has a radiator of the "Franklin type", 179 degrees over 179 degrees, 
but it is classified as a conventional sectional, not as a Franklin.

Either KFBK's or KSTP's does about 510 mV/m/kW at 1 km.

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