[BC] AM skywave

khcs@juno.com khcs
Fri May 13 14:44:09 CDT 2005

I too am one of those pesky DXers.  At least I would be if I had more time!  <g>  I enjoy picking up stations from Australia to Afria on MW.  I thought the original game plan was to allow one other station on each clear channel -- 720 Chicago + Nevada, 780 Chicago + Nevada, 880 New York + Nebraska, 890 Chicago + Utah, 1020 Pittsburgh + New Mexico, 1030 Boston + Wyoming, etc.  OK -- I could still null out KRVN on 880 and listen to Union Radio in Lima, Peru.  But then came a glut of other stations on the "clears" until they weren't "clear" any longer.  About all I can do is mine the "splits" like Senegal on 765, for example.  

Glen Kippel
Palm Desert, CA

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