[BC] Rumors of My Demise...

ltaft@charter.net ltaft
Thu May 12 23:51:33 CDT 2005

As Samuel Clements (Mark Twain) said when informed of his obituary in the newspaper "..are premature".

We are still in business and getting ready for the 2005 trips to make the measurements for our AM customers.

Had a comment from a former customer that they heard we were out of business so they had someone else do the work.

What has changed is Stew, the harmonic sniffing dog is gone.  Had to put him down several weeks ago because of cancer.  That made me look at our past travels and I came up with these facts.  Stew was in every lower 48 state except Wyoming and traveled over 200,000 miles in the several years we've been doing measurements.  He left his mark at more than 400 different transmitters.  We miss him.

Bayside, the perpetual puppy Labrador will be with us this year.

Thanks and 73,

Larry Taft  K2LT
T and T Measurements

Larry Taft  K2LT
T and T Measurements

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